Friday, September 2, 2011

Take Me To The Rivers

As I'm wrapping up my freedom/FUNemployment, I decided to take in one last TV show taping. What started with a Chelsea Lately taping a few days after my layoff should fittingly end with another E! show: Fashion Police.

I went earlier in the summer and met Joan Rivers and chatted with one of the writers of the show. It was an intimate experience and I definitely felt like I was part of the show, instead of a trained monkey forced to clap. Joan is hilarious so there is no question about genuinely laughing.

This time the set was more raucous and lively. There were 2 guests: Zanna from Marie Claire and Amber Rose (she dated Kanye). Joan went to town on the Jersey Shore cast at the MTV Video Awards. Melissa's son was in the audience. I sat next to an eyelash mogul and a Medieval History professor at UCLA. I chatted with Kelly Osbourne whose outfit I loved. The show should be really funny. We ran late because Joan was on quite a few rolls.

For the Amber Rose fans, she is gorgeous in person, has two people in her entourage, did not talk about Kanye and revealed that she has guidettes in her family since they are all based in Jersey/Philly.

Joan was lovely and I got to take another picture with her. She loved my necklace, I told her that I loved her on Louie. She gave me a little squeeze when I said that and then went back to the show.

I thought it was a fitting end to my FUNemployment. We've all got to get back to our shows and I'm happy to have the opportunity.

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