Friday, July 8, 2011

Job Searching Is Like Dating. On Reality TV.

In my job search, I've felt like a contestant on The Bachelor. Vying for the love of a kinda swarmy guy (or job in this case) with lots of other contestants. It can be maddening, make you paranoid and break your heart. You do your best, get in shape (or research the company) and brush your hair. You show up for that interview nervous and hopeful, maybe with your palms sweating. You think, this could be it. I've found the one.

You walk out, drive home and can't wait for them to call. You think, well, it'll be a few days before I hear of anything. You relax. Talk to your friends, tell them that you think you've found a good one. And then nothing. Inexplicably, you didn't get a rose. And it keeps happening.

Unlike dating where you can take a break, job searching doesn't end. You have to keep at it and you have to walk in fresh and positive every time.

Just think about it this way: the good news is that you're not embarrassing yourself on national TV by crying about someone named Bentley who said really terrible things about you.

Speaking of not embarrassing oneself...I have been super lucky to get a few blogger interviews to promote the ebook. It is hard work promoting it but I am proud to share them with you!

From my hometown:​7/06/unemployment-is-fun/
From the UK: http://morgenbailey.wordpress.​com/2011/07/05/blog-interview-​no-44-with-non-fiction-short-s​tory-author-and-poet-kerry-qui​nn/
And beyond: Interview With Kerry Quinn Literary Agent Reviews | The Agent Rater

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